To Hans Wetzel,

As an avid reader of SoundStage! Ultra for several years now, I’m greatly looking forward to another voice in high-end reviews! And a request: [Please] review any speaker using Voxativ’s field coil driver! Whether from PureAudioProject or Voxativ itself, this modern interpretation of the field coil driver appears to bring something new to the table.

By the way, thanks for the SoundStage! Hi-Fi review of the Revel M126Be loudspeakers. We bought them for our listening room a few months ago!

Pauline N.
United States

Voxativ is interesting. I’ve been aware of the company for quite some time, and know they have a fervent following. I also know that field-coil loudspeaker designs are inherently compromised in certain ways. You’re simply not going to get linear extension down through the bass, or up through the treble, in the same fashion as you would with a well-executed two-way or three-way design that uses a traditional crossover. Yet, I’m also keenly aware that eliminating the crossover is kind of the whole point, and that our sensitivity to frequencies above 15kHz or so dramatically decreases with age. So, with certain types of music -- and more importantly, with certain low-powered amplifiers (due to Voxativ’s high-sensitivity designs) -- they could make for a sweet match. We’ll be sure to take a closer look at their offerings going forward. As someone who’s focusing on bookshelf speakers and modestly sized floorstanders, the Zeth looks particularly interesting. By the way, glad we could help with the Revels! . . . Hans Wetzel