To Jeff Fritz,

I just read your article “My Most Controversial Review Ever.”

Thank you for having written it. We all need writers like you, with independent points of view and unbiased / impartial / non-influenced opinions.

The NHB-108 Model One’s first cry debuted in 1999 in my garage, then was officially introduced in 2002. Twenty years after its inception, it is still in the limelight. I am very happy about this.

The way it reproduces bass was the most controversial thing about it, and it would take more than just a few lines to explain the hows and whys about what is “good bass extension,” both in terms of measured and perceived performances.

At the end, the fact that people talked about this meant that it was something I had to “improve” in order to make an even wider audience be able to fall in love with the NHB-108. Then entered the NHB-108 Model Two, with an entirely revisited audio circuit, which is directly downscaled from the NHB-458, and with some additional -- last-second updates -- tuning, which makes it sound in between the NHB-458 and the very latest NHB-468.

Maybe if you will have the opportunity to listen to it, you will find that it will be worth talking about for the next 20 years to come.

Thank you again for being an active and consistent writer in this audio industry, and at the service of the common holy grail we are all attempting to reach: best possible emotional music reproduction.

With my very best regards, and . . . Happy New Year 2020 !

Hervé Delétraz
darTZeel Audio SA