To Jeff Fritz,

I’ve been reading your articles for quite some time now, and was hoping I could bother you with a question. I have been gradually upgrading my system over the past year and it’s time to get new speakers. My current setup is a pair of B&W CM9 [speakers], ARC DS225 [amplifier], and an ARC SP20 [preamplifier], so I’m sure you’d agree that my speakers have fallen behind. I’m looking in the range of $10-15k [per pair] and have been eyeing a pair of B&W 802 D2s, but have always been really keen on Wilson Audio, so their Sabrina would be a consideration for me. Alternatively, I could also hold on a few more months and shell out the $$ for Wilson’s Sasha 2s. What do you think? I am open to any suggestions! Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Dan Nathan
United States

I’d expand your horizons some, Dan. If it were me, I’d look toward some other brands -- you’ll find that there are some outstanding models out there that may have flown under your radar. Here are the brands and models I’d try to hear if I were in your shoes.

Since I just purchased the Vimberg Tonda, and am thrilled with my set, I’d suggest you look into the smaller Mino. The Mino is still a three-way speaker and is built to the same high standard as their larger stablemate, but is better suited to mid-size rooms. A pair of them will cast a soundstage the likes of which you will not believe is possible until you hear it in person. The Magico S3 Mk.II would also be a fine choice. This three-way speaker has the proprietary drivers Magico is known for and, as a result of these fine drive units, is super resolving. Another solid choice would be the Rockport Technologies Atria II, which features the company’s new waveguide-aided tweeter for an open, expansive sound (not to mention that great Rockport build quality). Lastly, I love what Focal has been doing with their Sopra line -- this is another beryllium-tweetered speaker series that sounds sweet yet detailed, and of course the styling of the models is great, too.

In summary, get out there and hear some new stuff. And keep in touch -- I’d be interested to know what you eventually choose. . . . Jeff Fritz