To Howard Kneller,

Thanks for another great review on the newest Symposium Acoustics Osiris Stealth Ultimate stand. As you recall we spoke about a year ago and I purchased a five-shelf Symposium stand based partially on our conversation and I am delighted with its performance. Although I must admit I am starting to suffer a little Symposium rack envy after seeing the latest stunning solution! The purpose of this e-mail is to ask a question: Could the latest Symposium racks’ performance be further enhanced if one were to insert IsoAcoustics GAIA I feet as the final barrier and isolator between the rack and the floor?

I use the GAIA IIIs underneath my speakers and most recently my turntable to great effect. Something to consider. Keep those reviews coming.

United States

Thanks for the kind words on the Symposium Ultimate review. Yes, the Ultimate racks are something. I was thinking of trying to swap out a few parts and upgrading my Symposium Standard racks to Ultimate status. However, inspecting both racks revealed that, although they are based on identical design principles, they share very few common parts. The Ultimate rack is really a complete upgrade from the Standard.

I have not auditioned the IsoAcoustics GAIA footers, which may be fantastic. But looking at the company’s website, I noticed that the GAIAs have some type of rubber or polymer-based bottom, although I really cannot tell exactly what material is used. As you know from the Ultimate review, Symposium eschews the use of such materials. Having spent the money on a Standard rack, I would be reluctant to insert a product under it that does not work the way Symposium envisions. I am very big on sticking with a single design philosophy when it comes to my system. As a result, I mostly stick with one manufacturer each for components, cables, etc.

Personally, I would try swapping out the Standard rack’s footers for some Symposium SuperCouplers, which are used on the Ultimate rack. Doing so would likely not be too expensive.

Having said all that, it never hurts to try anything, as long as you can return the GAIAs if necessary. It is also good to always keep an open mind, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you ultimately switched back to the Symposium feet. . . . Howard Kneller