To Jeff Fritz,

I enjoyed reading your review of the [Devialet Expert] 1000 Pros and I know that your conclusions will be controversial to some, but then the industry needs shaking up a little.

The reason for this e-mail, however, is to ask you to do a formal review of another Devialet product in the shape of the Phantom.

I have read too many half-hearted reviews and I cannot understand the apparent unwillingness of reviewers to be objective about these speakers. I have a pair of Silver Phantoms and love, love, love what they do.

Having your type of system, where you seem to have reached a level that you are happy with, will be out of reach for many, and that’s fine; we all like things to aspire to. However, if can you just do a review of any of the Phantom range (preferred if it was the Gold) simply reporting what it sounds like would be great. Forget about the lifestyle aspects, just what it does, good or bad, from your own perspective.

The Phantom may not be all the things Devialet says it is, but it does sound, to me, ridiculously good and makes many systems sound pretty ordinary, overpriced, and overrated.

Look forward to hearing what you report.

Many thanks,
John Bondswell
United States

You’ll be happy to know that we have a review of the Gold Phantom coming the first part of 2017. Although I did not conduct the review, SoundStage! founder Doug Schneider did, and his write-up will include what we believe to be the world’s first third-party anechoic measurements of any Phantom model. Look for the review on SoundStage! Hi-Fi, likely in February. . . . Jeff Fritz