To Jeff Fritz,

I trailed ’round the same sets of speakers [“Sampling High End 2015’s Best Loudspeakers”]: Tidal, Marten, [Magico] S7 [and] Q7 Mk II, etc., and wrote notes saying almost exactly the same as yours (as copied to the Magico site)!

Great ears hear alike . . .

I use S5, would like S7, but suspect that in the UK they will be too costly and too heavy to move around. Still, when do you get to review them?

Kind regards,
Martin Colloms
United Kingdom

Thanks so much for the note. I’m a big fan of yours. I think your early Krell reviews were what hooked me on becoming an audio writer. They were masterful.

I have Q7 Mk IIs in now for review. Super fun to say the least! So no S7s . . .

Thanks for your letter. . . . Jeff Fritz