To Jeff Fritz,

In your SoundStage! column ["Buy What You Want"] you’ve seriously misconstrued what I said in Munich.

First of all I regularly stream music on Tidal. I listen to music on SiriusXM on my car’s Bose system. I have 4000+ digital files on my Sooloos system. I travel around the world listening to music on my iPhone using Westone custom in-ear headphones.

So why or how would I say that the only way I can listen to music is on vinyl?

If your aim was to paint me as a cartoon version of an audio enthusiast, well mission accomplished, at least for gullible SoundStage! readers.

If you wish to set the record straight in print, you’ll amend what you wrote to reflect what I actually said, which was that when I sit down to listen to music to the exclusion of all else at home, on my big system, lights out, only vinyl keeps my full attention and for hours at a time.

When I sit down to listen to digital, whether Tidal, CD resolution or high-resolution files, I’m good for only about ten minutes before I feel compelled to switch to vinyl.

Michael Fremer
Senior Contributing Editor, Stereophile

In my column, I wrote: “He can’t enjoy digital recordings; it takes analog sound to relax him and get him into the music.”

You just stated: “When I sit down to listen to digital, whether Tidal, CD resolution or high-resolution files, I’m good for only about ten minutes before I feel compelled to switch to vinyl.”

I guess your point is a little too nuanced for me. But at least you’ve “set the record straight.” . . . Jeff Fritz