To Jeff Fritz,

Benchmark Media Systems has a new amplifier out, in a similar vein [insofar as disruption is concerned] as Devialet, Soulution, NAD’s Ncore [implementation], etc. The major difference [with Devialet] is that it only amplifies -- no sound processing, correction, or DAC. It is described as the "quietest, cleanest amplifier on the planet." Bold claim, but it just might be true! It has tiny size, high efficiency, and amazing specs (greater than 130dB S/N ratio). It’s also made in the USA and has a five-year warranty, all for $2995. So, how does it sound?

I appreciate your open-mindedness to review new technology and products as the industry evolves -- and to embrace the disruption!

Greg Simmons
United States

The Benchmark amplifier you are referring to is the AHB2. It does appear to be a measurement wonder. As for how it sounds, our own Hans Wetzel, who also happens to be the charter member of the Philadelphians for Kanye fan club, has one in for review currently. You’ll see that article on our sister site SoundStage! Access very soon.

As for embracing the disruption, here’s how I look at it: You can either embrace it, or you can bury your head in the sand and pretend it isn’t happening. Frankly, I’m enjoying it. . . . Jeff Fritz