To Jeff Fritz,

I just got my [new] Rockport Atrias delivered. I have them set up with my Cardas Clear cables.

After setting up my speakers, which sound fabulous, my dealer thinks I should move onto Transparent cables. The Transparent Ultra MM2 is around the same price as my Clear, but I am hesitant to make more changes for a modest improvement. Do you think it is worthwhile, or am I going sideways from Cardas Clear to the Transparent Ultra MM2?

Any input would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you in advance.

United States

There is certainly some synergy with Rockport speakers and Transparent cables. I know Andy Payor, Rockport's owner and resident speaker designer, uses Transparent at his facility. However, I'd hold off a bit on making more changes. First, you need to make absolutely sure that your speaker positioning is locked in. Finding the perfect locations for your new speakers in your room will optimize the sound of your system more than any other single thing you can do. Second, you need to allow the Atrias to break-in properly. As the suspensions loosen on the drivers, the sound will change to a small degree. Only after break-in and positioning are complete, would I assess the system and consider further upgrades. Maybe it take a month or two, but better that than spending more money only to realize you had exactly what you wanted to begin with. . . . Jeff Fritz