To Jeff Fritz,

I have been keenly following your views on Rockport speakers in general and, specifically, the Avior. I am currently running a full Burmester system with the mid-range Burmester B50 speakers driven by Burmester 911 MK3 monos. I love a wide range of music and am particularly fond of rock music, especially cranked up to deafening levels -- I fear that I might overdrive the B50 given it has only one 8" woofer per side.

I have been, lately, doing a lot of reading on Rockport designs and am more than just intrigued and interested. In fact, I am quite keen to look at buying the Avior. My room is 22' long, 15' wide, and 11' high. The 911 monos are brilliant and can pump out over 700 clean watts per channel. I will be very interested to hear your views on two counts:

1) Have you had any experience with the Rockports being driven by the 911s and how do they match up?
2) Will the Aviors overpower my room? Also, if I move back to Asia into a smaller apartment, will the Aviors be unsuitable in a smaller room?

I know you must be a busy man but I will be grateful for your advice. Many thanks in advance.

Best regards,

I think the Burmester amplifiers will be just peachy with the Rockport speakers. Andy Payor uses a number of high-current, solid-state amplifiers when designing the Rockport loudspeakers, so they do quite well when fed that type of muscular signal. I have zero reservations about that pairing.

As for your current room, I also think that it would work quite well with the Aviors. Due to your high ceiling, your room has quite a bit of volume and that will allow it to support full, deep bass reproduction. When you take all that power you have on tap into consideration as well, I think rock music will be served quite faithfully in your proposed system. As to your future room, which you say will be smaller, I really have no idea there. There is always the possibility that a large, full-range speaker will simply overwhelm a smaller-sized space. You'll simply have to decide if that is a risk you are willing to take in order to get the type of sound you want in your current room. So all in all, I think you'll have a top-flight system with the Aviors and the Burmester monos. . . . Jeff Fritz