To Jeff Fritz,

After many superb reviews and a few listening sessions I have decided to buy Magico Q7s.

I'm curious: What, in your opinion, is the best amp to match with the Q7s? In reviews there is no clear answer to this question. I'm thinking about D'Agostino's Momentum with the dCS Vivaldi as the source, but maybe there is something better. What do you think?


I don't think there actually is a clear answer to this question because there are many outstanding directions in which you could go. I've thought about how the D'Agostino amplifiers (Momentum Mono and Stereo) would mate with the Q7s myself, and my gut tells me it might be an excellent combination, though I have little to support that opinion. As for dCS, there is no question that the Vivaldi is a wonderful front-end setup and has a state-of-the-art pedigree. Do you need to spend that much money for a really killer digital rig? Not in my opinion, but I could hardly criticize the decision to purchase one if cost were truly no concern and you wanted to be assured of getting something at least close to the very best -- if not the outright best.

Other brands I'd seriously consider would be Gryphon, Boulder, Simaudio, and Ayre. These are brands I have a lot of experience with and I've found them to match quite well with most any neutral, well-designed loudspeaker you care to name. The Magico Q7, being perhaps the most revealing speaker extant, will lay bare the sonic characters of each of these brands' products. Ultimately that's what you want: the ability to choose exactly how your system will sound. The high sensitivity of the Q7 will also give you more options than you might have with some of the super speakers. Please do let me know what you end up buying. . . . Jeff Fritz