To Michael Wright,

I am looking for the perfect preamp to go with my monoblocks, the KR Audio DX models. With your good experience, could you tell me some reference preamps I should hear? I mostly listen to vinyl. Thank you in advance for your help

JPierre Aubert

The KR amplifiers are very nice. I spent some time listening to both the DX and VA910s at this year’s CES and came away very impressed with KR Audio and their products. I am currently reviewing the VA910s, which are 160W monoblocks using four KT120s per amp. I spent a limited amount of time listening to the DX at CES, so my experience with it is less than ideal. In terms of the VA910s, I have been using my Purity Audio Silver Statement preamp to good effect and friends who have stopped by to see and hear the amps came away impressed with that combination.

A couple of other preamps I feel may work well with the KR Audio DX would be one of the Convergent Audio or Wyetech Labs preamps. You can find CATs with built-in phonos and Wyetech’s Ruby phono preamp is quite nice. In terms of solid-state preamps, the Blue Circle BC109 and several offerings from Ayre Acoustics would do nicely as well, in my opinion. Be sure to check with manufacturers to make sure there aren’t any impedance mismatches. Let me know how it goes or if you have any other questions. Good luck and good hunting. . . . Michael Wright