To Jeff Fritz,

I just read your wonderful review of the Magico Q3. I went to a dealer in Florida and listened to a pair of Wilson Alexias, and they blew me away. I wonder if I should audition the Magico Q3 in order to make the best choice. Which one would you recommend? I would be grateful if you could help me. I also ordered D'Agostino amps and a dCS player. D'Agostino does not have a preamp. Will a Pass Labs X-10 do the trick? Thank you, sir.


Thank you for the kind words regarding my review. I would absolutely hear the Q3 before you commit to buying anything else in that price range. My personal opinion is that the Magico is a far superior speaker to any of the Wilsons -- much more transparent, neutral, and resolving. The Q3 is quite something to hear when paired with great electronics.

Speaking of great electronics, it sounds as if you will have a wonderful setup. Everything I've heard about the D'Agostino Momentum has been positive and I know dCS makes some awfully good digital gear. As for the preamp choice, although I like Pass Labs, I do know that the matching D'Agostino preamplifier is very close to being launched. I saw a "production prototype" at CES 2013 just a few weeks ago and Mr. D'Agostino mentioned the production version was very close to shipping. In my opinion, I think that's the preamp you should aim for, since it's obviously designed to work with the Momentum. So if I were you,I would hold tight and get the dealer to loan you a preamp until you can hear a D'Agostino -- you’re spending a lot of money and I think that is the decent thing for him to do. Let me know how it all works out. . . . Jeff Fritz