To Jeff Fritz,

You have included the Gryphon Colosseum as one of your Select Components. It is a wonderful amp, but I have recently switched from that to the Mephisto and I can report that Flemming Rasmussen and his team have outdone themselves. My analogy is that one is a Golf GTI and one a Porsche 911 (same family). No disrespect to the GTI, but you know which amp is which. 

My current system is the most musical that I have assembled in 25 years of being an audiophile and loving every minute of it. You owe it to yourself to listen to it and be the judge. You will be doing your readership a service.

Current system:

Magico Q5
VAC Signature IIa
Gryphon Mephisto
CH Precision C1 DAC with AudioQuest Diamond USB
Apple MacBook Pro with solid-state drive and Pure Music
Kubala Elation cables on all except Gryphon Reference power cords on Mephisto


That sounds like it would be an incredible system. Congrats! Regarding the new Mephisto, we hope to hear it in just a few weeks in Munich, Germany, at High End 2012. . . . Jeff Fritz