To Garrett Hongo,

I hope this email finds you in good health and great spirits. I read your Ultra Audio review of the PBN Audio Olympia-L preamplifier and Mini-Olympia stereo amplifier. I thought it was both informative and accurate. In fact, your review greatly influenced my purchase of a pair of PBN Sierra Denali monoblocks. I'm persuaded that the PBN amp lineup is the audio industry's best-kept secret. They are great performers. But now that the upgrade bug has bitten, I'm considering an upgrade from PBN. My question to you is: Do you intend to review Peter's latest amp, the EBSA1? What other amps would you say compete with the Mini-Olympia? My front end is the dCS Delius and Purcell, and my speakers are Wilson Audio WATT/Puppy 8s. Thanks.


Thanks for your appreciative comments. I'm glad my review helped you decide.

I haven't heard Peter's new amps yet, and I'm sorry to say I've no plans to review them. But solid-state amps with a like amount of power to your PBN Denalis that I admire are made by MBL (8011 and 9007 monos), Edge (NL-10.2 and NL-12.2 stereo amps), and Boulder (1060 stereo and 1050 monos). Being a tube guy, though, I really think the CAT JL Signature Mark 2 stereo amp makes for great sound with speakers like the new Wilson Sasha and Magico V2 and V3.

As for tonal character, on a sliding scale from warm to "neutral," I'd say it goes from CAT, MBL, Edge, and Boulder, with the PBN Denalis and Mini-Olympia even "cooler" in their sound than the Boulder amps. Another way to put it is that I hear Boulder as smooth and even-handed in presentation, PBN electronics as more detailed. All those Caddock resistors Peter loves! . . . Garrett Hongo