To Jeff Fritz,

Hope all is well. At our last club meet Burmester was mentioned, but no one in the club has heard, first-hand, Burmester speakers. So I went onto their website [to learn more]. Have you had the chance to listen to their Reference Line B100 or B80 speakers, and have you had any exposure with the 808 preamp?

Any feedback, opinion, or comparison would be much appreciated. I will be sharing it at our next club meet.

Kind regards,
Bran Blaze

I've never had the opportunity to hear Burmester gear, though I've had in electronic components that compete with them such as Boulder, Gryphon, Vitus, Pass Labs, Behold, etc. And competing speakers from, basically, everyone. I'm not sure whether this is because they don’t want their equipment compared with their peers, or, well . . . I really have no idea! But as of now, I have no experience, and I don’t see that changing in the near future. . . . Jeff Fritz