To Jeff Fritz, 

I just want to let you know that your review of the Rockport Technologies Mira loudspeakers was not only well done and informative, but dead-nuts accurate. Thank you. You are the most logical candidate for the Mira 2 review, and Andy [Payor] says it has a new and much better tweeter, midrange driver, as well as crossover. Doug Schneider did not hear the Mira 2 against the Magico V2. I can tell you hands down the Mira 2 is a no-brainer in my opinion. Please do get back to me on a review and keep up the excellent writings. 


I have been in touch with Rockport about the possibilities of reviewing the Mira 2 or, perhaps, their new speaker, the Avior. I simply can’t wait to see and hear what Rockport has been doing for the past year or so. If the past is any indication, Andy Payor is pushing the loudspeaker-performance envelope once again. . . . Jeff Fritz